Mindfulness at Mettaandacht stands for the eight week MBSR training (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) as developed by Jon Kabatt-Zin.
In a scientifically based, structured program you practise being mindful in a kind way and non-judgemental.
Interesting for everybody who suffers from pain, has stress complaints,
has burned out, worry a lot
or simply want to be more relaxed.
Content of the 8-week program:
- Recognize ‘I am doing (too) much on autopilot’.
- What stops me from being mindful (obstacles)?
- What are my limits and how do I monitor them?
- How do I recognize stress?
- What choices can and do I want to make?
- What thoughts do I have and what do I do with them?
- How does mindfulness fit into my daily life?
- How do I apply what I have learned?
What is included
- Eight morning / evening sessions of app. 2 hours
- Your intention to paractce every day
- A documentation map, guided practice files and a personal intake.